Monday, July 1

In just five years!

I'm a planner.

I like to plan, more so than following up on the plans I put in place! It makes me feel good to think about the future, to think about the changes that I can and want to make and about how great the future will be.

The last five-year plan that I had was several years ago, and I achieved so much, in fact, I got further ahead of my initial plans as I ended up meeting the man who would be my husband and together we purchased a home too!

All I had intended was to go to University.

For a while, I've been thinking that I'm in a bit of a rut. That I've stalled in life and well, I don't want that. I want to be able to say that my family and I have reached our full potentials and of course I know that a lot of this will be down to the example set.

I am the example for my family.

I realised that when I was focused on my plan, I knew what to focus my time and efforts on, what to say yes and no to and I saw a lot of personal, spiritual and educational growth. So, there was only one thing for it. I needed to dream big, work out where I want to be in five years and then make a plan.

To be accountable though, I thought I'd do it with my trusty friends beside me and by putting my daily actions here on this blog.

In just five years, I'm going to achieve a lot!


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